Monday, June 16, 2014

A little more about me

I am a mom with three sweet little boys! They are ages,10,7,and 5. I am married to a wonderful man who loves me very much. He is a great husband and father. He is also in the Coast Guard. It was only recently told to me that I have Fibromyalgia though I have been living with pain since I was a junior is high school. I am now in my thirties and finally know why but still don't know how to deal with it. When I was younger I had x rays, blood tests and physical therapy but nothing worked. Even though I was in pain I was a pretty active person and have been up until a couple of years ago. I was even a little on the hyper side in my teens. I loved being active and play sports even though I only played on a team one year in high school.
 After high school I worked and went to a community college until I married the man of my dreams. Funny thing is he is someone I have always known but he was older than me so we never though of each other that way till i was out of high school. We have been married almost 13 years now and even though we have our ups and downs he is always there for me.
My Fibromyalgia didn't get bad until a couple years ago. After two not so pleasant years in Florida we moved to Novato California for my husband's Job. Moving with the military is never fun and with a cross country trip with three boys things were kinda crazy. We moved into a three story town house that was built in the 1930's and got the boys enrolled in the school they were to go to. I noticed that after I would walk the boys to school I would come home, turn on the tv for the little guy and crash out on the couch next to him. Thankfully he was quite well behaved and loved to cuddle on the couch with me or play on the floor near me. The house was a pain because the only bathroom was on the third story so you had to go up and the washer and dryer were on the first level. So to get anything done I was going  up and down stairs all day long. I started getting more and more pain in my legs and knees and more and more tired. The doctor that I had been assigned to told me that Fibromalgia was something people would diagnose you with they couldn't figure out what was wrong with you. We tried a few different things for depression but they didn't seem to help with the fatigue or the pain. I was so tired I almost fell asleep driving home from MOPS one day. My doctor said that if my depression symptoms were better not to worry about it. I couldn't believe it. After he told me that he couldn't prove that I was in pain I left his practice and found  a new doctor. She started treating me for fibromyalgia and put my on Cymbolta.  At first I was doing a lot better but I am having more bad days than good. I am not writing this blog to complain but to explain and figure out where to take this journey next. One thing I found helpful in my bible today was a passage in Job that says" Shall we accept only good at the hand of God and not accept the misfortune...? Job was a man  who lost everything but his wife who tired to get him to curse God and die and his friends who weren't very helpful either. I know I am not the only one who is going through rough times. There are so many people who have it so much worse than I do. I try and remember that when I am feeling sorry for myself. What are your thoughts?

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