Tuesday, June 17, 2014

New outlook

So I am trying to get a new outlook on my life. I have been really down and really bitter lately. I don't think that is good for me or my family so I will try something new. I had one week that I was in so much pain I was in tears most of the day. I also had one day that I had withdraws from my medication that I couldn't get out of bed because the room wouldn't stop spinning. During these times I would cry out to God" why me" and " please take this away". So far God has not taken it away and I am working on a new outlook. I know he gave me this for a reason and I know that there are people more hurt and it could always be worse. I don't mean to be a whiner. This is what I am dealing with and it helps me to talk about it or at least I think it will.  Job had a really hard time in his life. He lost his whole family ( except his wife), all his servants and all his animals( which were his livelihood). I still have a lot of family and even though we don't live really close to them they are there when I need them. I am thankful I haven't really had anyone close to me die in a long time. I don't have any servants so that isn't something I am missing and the only animal I have had that died was a English bulldog that was part of the family but since he was not our livelihood. Considering all he lost I should be thankful for what I have.  He did finally cry out to God after he got boils all over his body. I feel his pain there because I have gotten quite a few boils in my life and they are not fun. Lately I am having lots of nerve pain that is painful when touched but not a bruise and it moves around day to day. I know that Job went through all of this and never cursed God even when his wife and friends told him too. I am trying to be life Job and take the bad with the good.

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