Friday, June 27, 2014

Amazed at what I cannot do anymore or at least with out pain

Yesterday I spent the day in my laundry room sorting laundry, cleaning and organizing. It took me hours to get it all done and then I cleaned my room and put laundry away there too. On top of all this I had all the kids home and had to keep an eye on them as well as make meals and do a few dishes. I was sore by the end of the day but not overly sore till night time. I went to bed in pain and tossed and turned all night. Once I woke up with my hands hurting so badly and another time I woke up and my leg was numb. I slept so badly and could barely move today. I took some Advil this morning about six and went back to bed. The boys woke me up about 9;30 and it took me another hour to make it out of bed. Since I was determined to get more done today I made some coffee and got some breakfast before working on the office area. I worked on that while watching Hoarders on the laptop. It really helps me want to get rid of things and what happens when people put too much value on things. I don't want to place too much value on things and forget about what is important. I see the kids and spouses of these people who place too much value on things. They feel that they aren't as important and also have to live in the mess that is the result. I know that most times it is a result of deep hurt or loss but it is very sad on the people around them none the less. Today I got quite a bit done even though I was hurting and tired. I pushed through til 2 and then sat in a hot bath hoping to soak away some of the pain. I don't understand why God allows me this pain but I can't let it stop me altogether. I do need to not work quite so hard but it is not always that I have the energy to do it. The other day I was so tired I couldn't stay awake much of the day but then was up most of the night. I am trying to work when I have the energy so I don't have as much to do when I am hurting and tired. I am learning what I can do and what I can't and also that my kids need to help more. Not just to help me but to help themselves. They need to learn to take care of themselves so they can be productive human beings when they are older. I don't expect them to do everything for themselves because the are still young. I want them to help each other as well. I help them with more things than I should because sometimes it is easier to do it myself. I am learning that it will take more patience on my part but it is needed. I know I have gotten off on a tangent but it is important for me to raise young men that can take care of themselves and one day a family.

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