Friday, June 20, 2014

Some days I worry

Some days I have really good days where I can get up and not hurt. I get lots done and feel like a normal person but then I have other days; Days I feel awful. I wake up and I feel so sore and tired. I can barely move and it takes all my energy to get through the day. I still get up and get my kids off to school, play with the little one who doesn't go to school or doesn't go all day. I still do my grocery shopping, run my errands and try and keep a clean house. Some days it doesn't look like I have done much but everyone is healthy, happy and fed which is more than some peoples kids can say. I still worry that people think I am lazy. It's not lazy when you are using all your strength to power through the day and still keep everyone going. I know back in the day stay at home mom's used to have spotless houses and well mannered kids but I am not sure how they did it or remember all the bad times. I feel like if my house is not spotless people think I have failed. Some people say don't worry about it but you can't not worry about your house because they it gets horrible and everyone is unhappy. I want my house clean enough to be comfortable and messy enough to be comfortable. Thankfully the kids are old enough to help out now. I want to teach them to help out while they are still young but not make them do too much to take away their childhood either. It's a hard balance. I think if you put enough of the fun in to balance out the chores then you are on your way. We have been reading the magic tree house books, we are going to do some cooking this summer and we are working on art projects too. We will do some science projects and some writing stuff too!


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